The Reason we’re here

Imagine a future where AI helps people become more than they are. That’s the future we’re building with Summit

Our Mission

The positive AI future features humans and AI working together, becoming more together than they ever could be apart. The first step is to create tools that help us situate and understand unfamiliar knowledge spaces. Using AI to assist human understanding moves us all forward.

Turn your data into insight, your writing into meaning, your words to understanding.

— Pawel Czech

What We’ve Achieved

  • Rapid discovery with AI powered semantic search

  • Situational awareness in knowledge space through keyword graphs

  • Rapid acquisition of knowledge through summarization and keyword highlighting

  • Coherent and organized report generation through AI generated outlines and a writing assistant

  • With semantic search we help your people find the data they need

  • With knowledge graphs we help people orient within new knowledge spaces

  • With summarization and keyword highlighting we assist in rapid acquisition of key concepts

  • With writing assist we guide writers into well structured and evidence backed writing