Summit helps you convert knowledge
to understanding

Use AI to make your company’s knowledge searchable, understandable and actionable.

Summit in a nutshell

Summit uses AI to present your proprietary information and documentation to employees in a clean and easy interface.
We use AI / LLMs to:
extract keywords
summarize text
and create knowledge graphs

This facilitates rapid orientation in unfamiliar knowledge spaces.

We help your employees rapidly orient inside your company's private knowledge space, gain insight, and act based on high quality, evidence based insight.

This solves one of the primary pains knowledge workers face. That of being unable to find the information they need. We solve an unknown blocker to productivity, that of presenting relevant information that they didn’t even know existed.

We improve productivity --less time is wasted searching for the information they need to do their jobs.
We improve the quality of work by ensuring that employees are able to find and understand the information they need before they act.

We improve your competitive advantage by putting business insights in the hands to the people who need them.

Summit labs

Unfamiliar datasets, complex documents or concepts, summit makes information accessible

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